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Riparo Battaglia (Battaglia shelter)

The Battaglia shelter

The Battaglia shelter

The Battaglia shelter

The Battaglia shelter

The “Riparo Battaglia,” in the Prunno locality in Asiago, stands among the seasonal settlements of the Upper Paleolithic. It is a protrunding rock, about 25 metres long and from 3 up to 5 metres high, used as a shelter but also for the slaughtering of wild game and working of bones, leather and flint. From the 60s, when the excavations have begun, more than 24,000 stone tools have been found, such as chisels, scrapers, blades and armour strips, besides some striker pebbles brought in from outside. From the clearing of Prunno (west of Asiago, right next to the hospital on the road to Bassano), equipped for several hiking and sporting activities, a well marked trail in less than 10 minutes reaches the shelter under the main road. You can also book a guided tour; call 0424.691100 or 3396416519.

But the Prunno area is extremely significant for the testimonies related to the Great War, and in particular to the presence on site of the allied troops, English and French, recalled by reports and initiatives on the theme.

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