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Institute of cimbrian culture – Roana

The Institute of Cimbrian culture, in Roana.

The Institute of Cimbrian culture, in Roana.

The Institute was founded in 1973 in Roana, in order to register the forms of this language still spoken, and to investigate the questions related to its diffusion on the Asiago Plateau in the Middle Ages. It promotes Cimbrian language courses, lectures, folkloric shows, studies and degree theses, and it also published a dictionary and collected old songs, in connection with the Cimbrian communities of the Thirteen Municipalities of Verona and Luserna. To support the activities of the Institute, there is also the Museum of the Cimbrian tradition, which exhibits photographs and documents, as well as language, landscape, folklore and art testimonies. There is an extensive collection of ancient tools for working in fields, woods or workshops. Dedicated to Abbott Agostino Dal Pozzo, the Institute has its seat in Roana, Via Romeo Sartori, 20. See www.cimbri7comuni.it/

In summer, the Cimbrian “Hoga Zait” festival takes place, in Roana and the other hamlets of the municipality. “Hoga Zait” means “high time” or “holiday time,” and houses music and shows of the minority cultures (www.hogazait.it).


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