Racconti di caccia
Einaudi, 2011.
(Hunting Tales)
This 2011 small volume collects some hunting memories of the author in fourteen short stories, which are a starting point to explore the natural world in its most savage aspects, but also in its relationship with the man. In fact, hunting for Mario is not a hobby or a sport, but a passion, which is also struggling with themselves, with sleep, weariness, cold, in a deep and tight comparison with the primitive values that govern Nature and the animal world. This activity is also marked by violence, but this is not gratuitous if it is adjusted by the balances that govern the life of the prey and its environment.
“Through the valley, now distant now nearby”, wrote Rigoni Stern, “I listened to the hounds on the trails of the hares, and the bells of the villages, and the waters coming down from the snowfields. I was at the post office that I had been assigned to, I waited and I felt myself like the trees, the dogs, the hares, the birds: one alive in the world.”