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Le vite dell’Altipiano. Racconti di uomini, boschi e animali

Le vite dell'Altipiano

Einaudi, 2008.

(Lives of the Plateau. Stories of Men, Woods and Animals)

The volume collects (with an introduction by Giorgio Bertone) the most significant short stories of Mario that have as protagonist the nature, illustrated with great precision and equal participation in its many incarnations. Plants and animals, water and forests, mountains and flowers, snow and thaw are regarded with deep admiration as an expression of a mysterious Creation with which we all must live in harmony. The short stories are divided into three parts, Storie naturali” (Natural stories), “Storie di animali” (Animals’ stories) e “Storie dell’Altipiano” (Plateau’s stories), followed by an Appendix, that is the “Lectio Magistralis” held by the author on the occasion of his honorary degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences given by the University of Padua in 1988.

Edited by Mario himself with great difficulty because of his illness, the collection is in some ways his spiritual and human testament.


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