Astronomical observatory
Somewhere in the skies there is an asteroid that bear the name of 12811Rigonistern. The astronomers Ulisse Munari and Maura Tombelli discovered it with the 92/67 cm Schmidt telescope of the Astronomical Observatory of Asiago in the night of Valentine’s Day 1996, and then it was dedicated to the writer.
Founded in 1942 in the locality of Pennar, at 1050 meters above sea level, the Observatory is owned by the University of Padua and managed by the Department of physics and astronomy.
Alongside, the new Observational Station of Asiago Cima Echar (1366 metres) came in 1973, owned by INAF and operated by the Observatory of Padua, with the largest optical instrument present on Italian soil: “Copernicus,” a 182 cm diameter reflector telescope. Currently at the seat in Pennar, with a media room and a museum of scientific instruments, in addition to research activities, educational initiatives take place, including lectures on astronomy and guided observations of the sky open to the public. Info: Iat (0424 462221) and Ufficio del Turismo (Office of Tourism, 0424 464081). During certain times of the year you can also visit the seat of Cima Echar: info: Web site