Darnach – Christmas cimbrian hymn
Performed by Asiago Choir. Master: Francesco Allegrini
This is the Christmas hymn mentioned in the first chapter of “La storia di Tönle”, written or re-written in the ‘600 by a doctor of Rotzo, Slaviero de Slavieri, and then re-written by Mario Colombo and Mario Corà.
The song, which was missing, was recovered by recording the execution of an elderly woman of Bosco hamlet in 1958, and subsequently processed by the master Francesco Allegrini. The implementation proposed here (with some variations compared to the text of Rigoni Stern) is performed by the Asiago Choir in a recording of the late ’90s.
Darnaach viärtausonk jaar
as dar Adam hat gavêlt
ist kemmet at düsa belt
dar unzar libe Gott…
“After four thousand years/ from the sin of Adam, /came in this world /our beloved God…”